Wednesday, September 30, 2015


It is amazing to me how your perception of yourself can change from day to day. This week has been a stressful one. I am an stress eater. More stress equals bad choices. I made those choices knowing what the outcome would be and did it anyway. Here I am a few days later and I just don't feel great mentally and physically! So thankful that I am starting the journey as a Beachbody coach! Love the support I get from it and helping others will hopefully help me!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Stress Sucks

I am pretty sure every rought time or event leads you to learn something about yourself. Or at least ai hope that's the case. I have been trying to figure out all day what lesson I am currently learning and I am drawing a blank. Life is good but I wish these little life lessons would come around less often.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I'm working on this healthy lifestyle which I'm coming to love. I'm frustrated at myself when it comes to cooking. I plan every week but just can't make myself stick with it. I need to stop making excuses and force myself to cook but how? Tips and ideas are appreciated!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Always Learning

I truly love my new healthier lifestyle. 21 day fix has been an amazing program. In addition To developing new healthier habits, I'm also getting rid of my bad older ones. The last couple of days of been sick and haven't really been doing my workouts. Taking a break is really fine and really needed sometimes but also I'm learning an important lesson. Whenever you take a break it feels great but the getting back into it is like starting over again so breaks are
not necessarily the best thing ever. Definitely going to work on being more diligent about doing my workouts every day instead of having a break day. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Possibly one of the most important and special things in the world. Connections are the glue that holds us together. Today was such a great fay and I am thankful for those connections that make me feel special and loved!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Comfort What????

Comfort's two words but it's such a big thing. Getting away from what's familiar and comfortable. Putting yourself out there where it's maybe a little scary but can be good as well. Today I had that "out of my comfort zone" feeling over something minor. But still made me realize how much it can impact you. A few hours later and I'm still feeling the effects. Definitely one of those feelings that I don't like to have but realize I need in order to grow.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Stronger Than Yesterday

Yes this came from a Britney Spear's song. Yes I was listening to it in the car on the way to work (guilty). Regardless of the source, that line is pretty profound. I think about yesterday and I naturally think about all I didn't do or didn't go right. It's a hard process to train your brain to be positive. It's a process that I am constantly working on. Sometimes it goes well, other times not. But picking myself up and trying is the important thing. So my message to myself today is exactly the title: Stronger Than Yesterday. 

Today I'm stronger because I made the choice to do something healthy for my body.

Today I'm stronger because I'm choosing to keep the negative thoughts out.

Today I'm stronger because it's FRIDAY (had to throw that in there).

Today I'm stronger because I feel good about ME!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Making the Commitment

Until now I never realized how much commitment it takes to change your life. It's an every day, every minute process. I keep saying that I am ready but in reality I keep stalling. Today I'm going to just put it out there. If I do maybe it will be more real.

I am ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle (exercise, clean eating as much as possible).

I am ready to commit to my overal well being (mental, physical, and emotional).

I am ready to commit to my family who I love more than anything.

I am ready to commit to being happy and accepting the place I am in my life and making each day as great as possible, despite the challenges.

I am ready to commit to my financial responsibility and get my Jamberry and Beachbody up and going so I can be successful with both!

I am ready to commit to ME!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why a blog???

That's a really good question. I've tried blogging before and had trouble sticking with it. Like most things, I get really excited about new projects then drop them quickly. Not sure why. I tried crafting but lately it's just too much work to come up with the idea and actually follow through. I have tons of unfinished projects sitting around my house that just overwhelm me to no end.  So my hopes for this blog:

1. Get myself motivated to get myself together!
2. Find acceptance and peace in my life (however that presents itself).
3. To be determined......(and on and on).